When you are graduating from High School, a lot of things come to the end, and some are hard to say goodbye to. And one of those things is Show Choir! My heart has been overwhelmed when I see my girl up on that stage, accompanying a whole choir! I get so nervous, I can't play in church, I can barely play for my family for family home evening, because it seems, that no matter how hard I practice, once people start singing, I fall apart! Thank goodness that hasn't been the case for my Kate! She's done a fantastic job, and I'm sad to see it go.
Kate and Kaitlyn have been friends, ever since the Turner's moved into our ward, when Kate was 4! We did pre-school together, and much more...then we moved away in 4th grade, they picked right back up as friends in Junior High, and have stayed pretty close ever since!
So grateful for the times we've had! Also grateful for this cute Kelsie (aka best friend)! She's going to be Kate's College Roommate!!
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