Saturday, May 30, 2009

Look at those kids dance!

Wednesday, was the annual dance festival at the elementary school. Each year the teachers teach the kids a dance, and then we all meet out on the playground and watch em show us their stuff! This year the first grade danced to "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf", Jocelynn did a great job showing us her attitude. Dylan, and the third grade danced to "Cotton Eye Joe", and Afton came down to defend us from aliens, and danced to "Men in Black" with the other 5th graders! I'm glad they have this fun tradition at our school. Kate was disappointed she couldn't watch, but in one of her classes she actually had work to do!

Friday, May 29, 2009

WHere Oh wHere cOuld We be?

"Where are we?", you may ask. And I would have you guess. Are we on the beach in Florida (we could be, you never know, our friends went on a surprise trip to Florida over Spring Break), or are we on the beach near Disney Land (no, that place was too windy! LOL), or are we on the beach in SanDiego (no, that one (hopefully) will happen in August!) Since you can't guess let me give you some clues. Sometimes it's stinky, it's ALwayS SalTy, and the deer and the antelope rome (well bison, and antelope, if they're actually real! (you'll have to ask Daniel about that one!) Do you give up yet? We are at Antelope Island State Park, and believe it or not we had a great time! So, next time you are in need of a salt fix, you just might have to go with us!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to Whitney!

Wow! Two whole years! You are such a cute little girl, you already have such a cute little personality, and we love to talk to you on the phone! You are going to be a great big sister!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Callie!

Happy Birthday to you, Miss jeanie beanie weenie!! I am glad that we are sisters! I can't believe you! You alway surprise me... I remember one of those first times I thought "you've got to be kidding me!" and that was when we were Main Street Cedar City, just finishing visiting Grandma Murray at that bookstore, and Kathryn and I wanted to keep wandering Main Street, and you wanted to go to Grandma's house, and so as we went north, and to our surprise and worry, you went south, not to return! I should've known then, but then later there was a basketball head, a toothpasted costume, moving to Cedar, moving to Vegas, and then moving to Michigan, and all by yourself... each time! You are amazing, strong, and definitely a force to be reckoned with!! I love you to death, and I'm glad you'll always be my sister, even if you do choose to go the opposite direction (although it would make my life easier, and more fun, if you were closer!)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The End of the school year

It's the end of the school year, and boy oh boy have these kids been busy with all of those end of the year assignments. Kate had a 10 page paper due in Language Arts, and being the over achiever she is, her paper was 18 pages. She's also been busy with soccer, and Young Womens. She also had a Spring Orchestra Concert, where again she was first chair. Afton has poems and science experiments due, and today she was turned into a wax dummy! The 5th grade put on a Wax Museum, they all had to dress up as a person from American history, and recite a two minute speech that they had to write. She was Sojourner Truth, the first black abolitionist woman. Afton has also been busy with a basketball clinic, which she is the only girl, but she's been a trooper, and she's learning a lot. Dylan, has been busy with scouts, karate, and he has a book report due Friday! And little Jocelynn was the cutest first little pig there ever was, in her class's version of "The Three Little Pigs". She did her part so very cute, and before that recited poems, and sang her little song about Hiccups!! Boy am I glad the end of the year is over!! At least I think I am! :-)