Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Callie!

Happy Birthday to you, Miss jeanie beanie weenie!! I am glad that we are sisters! I can't believe you! You alway surprise me... I remember one of those first times I thought "you've got to be kidding me!" and that was when we were Main Street Cedar City, just finishing visiting Grandma Murray at that bookstore, and Kathryn and I wanted to keep wandering Main Street, and you wanted to go to Grandma's house, and so as we went north, and to our surprise and worry, you went south, not to return! I should've known then, but then later there was a basketball head, a toothpasted costume, moving to Cedar, moving to Vegas, and then moving to Michigan, and all by yourself... each time! You are amazing, strong, and definitely a force to be reckoned with!! I love you to death, and I'm glad you'll always be my sister, even if you do choose to go the opposite direction (although it would make my life easier, and more fun, if you were closer!)

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