Friday, November 21, 2008

I had a violin concert on Tuesday. It turned out great. We played lots of songs. But my fav. was the Disney Classics. It had Chimm Chimm Chree, from Mary Poppins, A dream is a wish your heart makes, from Cinderella, It's a small world and Zebedee doo da. I am first chair in my orchestra class. I was also asked to play with the elementary orchestra.(I'm in Junior High.)I had to tune the orchestra. That made my mom cry. I stood behind the curtian, with my orchestra teacher. She told me to go stand in front of everyone, with my bridge toward my classmates, but the cellos weren't ready. So I waited for them to be ready and that was kindof embarassing. Then I tuned everyone and sat down. Then my teacher came out and we played. It was really fun. On Monday we are going to have a playtest to get new chairs. I'm nervous about that.


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