Saturday, November 14, 2009

Field Trip!!

We went on a liitle field trip as a family. We went to the Bingham Copper Mine. Part of that mine is what stinks up your car, on the way to Tooele, but that's the refinery part, and the mine is actually about 10 miles south of that.

It is the largest man made hole in the world, it can be seen from space!

We watched a little video about it, and saw the miners going down to the pit, they looked so small, but they were in these monster vehicles. It reminded me of one of those things, where you drop the penny in the upside down funnel looking thing-a-ma-bob, and it goes round and round, until it finally drops into oblivion... and to think that people used to live down there, in little cities, with schools and everything... that would have been an interesting life!

Dylan earned a scouting pin, and we had a fun day of learning why copper is so important, and how if we didn't have it, I might not be typing on this computer right now! Family field trips are the best... where else do you get to see a special t-shirt about SL, ut??

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