Wednesday, August 12, 2009

LOok at whO's been a CruiSin' for a BruiSin'!

Can you believe that? Joss woke up Monday morning with a big black eye, or purple eye, as it was in her case! I went to pay my friend for piano lessons, and Jocelynn decided to tag along, she ended up playing with her friend on the trampoline, while we were visiting. Later, we could hear some crying, but neither one of us worried very much, knowing what drama queens they both are, and then the next morning, she woke up with that! It looked so scary, her eye was so swollen! Hopefully it will be gone before our final days in San Diego, so we can get some good pics! If not we'll always remember who'd been a cruisin' for a bruisin'!


cz said...

I always knew that Josey real scrappy. I am surprised that she has gone this far in life without getting in a fight yet. I wonder what she did to make that other kid punch her in the face!

Mauri Bowles said...

Wow! That is just crazy! I can't believe she got that when she didn't even complain about it. I hope it heals quickly. When are you going to san diego? I hope you have a great time and enjoy it. Want to come out before school starts. When do they go back? Keep smiling, Mauri

Stathis Five said...

That looks so sad. I am glad she is so brave.

Zack said...

Just by looking at this picture, it looks like someone committed a battery against your daughter. You might want to consider contacting your local attorney.

heaven girl said...

If only I had a good lawyer! lol